
Hướng dẫn sử dụng ChatGPT phục vụ hỗ trợ vẽ thiết kế UML

Hướng dẫn sử dụng ChatGPT phục vụ hỗ trợ vẽ thiết kế UML

  1. Đặt vấn đề

Để sử dụng ChatGPT hỗ trợ thiết kế UML, bạn có thể đặt câu hỏi cho ChatGPT như sau:

“Can you generate UML user case of Digitizing documents workflow? Which start with @startuml and end with @enduml

In this workflow, with 2 actors: secretary and manager

Use case realization:

  • The secretary will input the input data with the document scanner and transfer the data to the “ScanApp” software.
  • The “ScanApp” software receives data from the input document and stores the data fields of the scanned document.
  • The managers use the search function and retrieve information from documents that have been digitized by the software “ScanApp”.

Class diagram:

  • Class “ScanApp”: includes properties and methods to get and store the information of the scanned document.
  • Class “Digital document”: includes attributes like text number, text name, content, creation time, update time, etc.
  • Class “Users”: include attributes like username, password, access rights, etc.

Sequence diagram:

  • The secretary uses the scanner to input data and transfer data to the “ScanApp” software.
  • The “ScanApp” software receives data from the input document and stores the data fields of the scanned text.
  • The managers use the search function and retrieve information from documents that have been digitized by the software “ScanApp”.”

2. Kết quả từ ChatGPT:

Dựa trên độ chi tiết và chính xác của câu hỏi, ChatGPT sẽ hỗ trợ sinh ra đoạn mã như sau:


actor Secretary

actor Manager

Secretary –> (Scans Document)

(Scans Document) –> (Transfer Data)

(Transfer Data) –> (Store Data)

(Manager) –> (Searches Documents)



actor Secretary

actor Manager

participant “ScanApp” as ScanApp

activate Secretary

Secretary -> ScanApp: Scans Document

ScanApp -> ScanApp: Receive Data

ScanApp -> ScanApp: Store Data

activate Manager

Manager -> ScanApp: Searches Documents

ScanApp -> Manager: Return Search Results

deactivate Manager

deactivate Secretary


3. Sử dụng kết quả từ ChatGPT để ra thành phẩm:

Dùng https://app.diagrams.net/ để vẽ UML

Chọn Menu: Arrange > Insert > Advanced > PlantUML

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